THANKS! for looking me up


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Nasty cancer's cancer

I have breast cancer.
Pretty straight forward. 
I was diagnosed mid-August, had a biopsy August 30 which confirmed it and had surgery Oct 4
It’s a complicated process with so many people involved but Credit Valley Hospital has been wonderful, supportive and very efficient in dealing with it.

I had a routine mammogram sheet provided to me by my gynecologist.  She asked me to go in for a routine screening since I hadn’t been in 3 years.
That was April 
I was too busy with work and life in general so I put it off.
I began having some rib pain and went for a general checkup.  I had complained off and on to my doc about it for a while.  He said it was nothing.
I told him I had the form for my mammogram and would just go check things out anyway.

I booked my appointment, did the routine test and went home.  I thought nothing of it.
The hospital called me back and said they wanted to do a close up of a section that seemed different.  They told me not to worry and they would compare it to my old one just to be sure.
Two days later they called me after comparing and assessing the situation.  It could be cancer and could I come in the next morning for biopsy surgery.  So I did.
They took 9 core samples of which two the doctor felt very sure contained good samples of the cancer.
Analysis came back a week later and it was cancer.  They scheduled me for a meeting with an oncology surgeon.  She reviewed my options with me and booked my surgery.
Oct 4 surgery was done.  (none of this was easy or comfortable – if you ever want more info I would be happy to  share it).  I had a partial mastectomy of the left breast.
I took a couple of work days off after to deal with the pain. I had swelling and bruising over the next couple of weeks.  Then the swelling started to go down and the bruising continued.
I’m still bruised now but it’s almost gone.  I am feeling pretty good.
I’ve had meetings at the hospital with oncologists and radiation docs.
Today I started my daily radiation treatments.  For the next 4 weeks I will go every day and there will be weekly meetings with the radiation doc to follow up on the burning and peeling.

It’s not pleasant but I am fortunate to have caught the cancer early.
It was a stage 1 which is early stages but grade 3 (highest level invasive cancer)
I’m lucky as it was still contained and there were 2 tumors growing.  If I had waited another 6 months I might have had to do chemotherapy.  I’m just lucky!
I’m doing radiation as there was a 30-40% chance of reoccurrence as it was against the chest wall and docs want to make sure there are no remaining living cells.
It does cause some heart and lung damage but the benefits outweigh the negatives!
I have a very good chance of being cancer free 5 years from now.  They are just concerned that it could show up in my right side later.   If it does we will treat it then.  I have opted not to take the Tamoxifen drug as there are many bad side effects including blood clots and cancer.

Anyway, I’m sharing as some people found out and some have heard a bit here and there.  I was just trying to keep it to myself and keep working through this.  Staying busy helps you not to worry J.  I feel much better talking about this now than I did a couple of months ago.  

For more info check out  They have been a wonderful support.

SO PLEASE get a mammogram on a regular basis.  If you are mid 40’s ask your doc if you can get one at some point to have a healthy image on file.  It was very useful for me as they saw changes when comparing both images.  24,000 canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.  Early detection will save lives!
Once you are 50 you can go every two years, no doctor referral needed. Just call your hospital up and ask for the breast screening program.  If you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer you need to have the discussion with your doctor soon.  Only 5% of breast cancer is due to a gene, the rest is random.  I had no risk factors at all and no symptoms.  If you find a lump in your breast it’s usually at a higher stage and treatment could be more extensive.  You could not feel my tumors in my breast.  They were very small.
Be proactive and look after your health.  BEcome informed and make decisions quickly.  It could save your life.

Monday, March 25, 2013

More bike maintenance

I'm feeling more comfortable looking at my bike.  I took another course at MEC on the drive train and I feel completely comfortable doing a chain repair on the trail.  DO I NEED bet.  Nothing worse than being stuck far out in a forest walking your bike back when your chain breaks or gets damaged.  I can safely get myself out of the forest now. I even got myself a little chain tool to carry on rides...ready to roll!!!

Tomorrow, some more skiing...before the snow is all gone and then on to the road bike to work in my winter legs.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bike Maintenance

I have to say that there is nothing like hands on bike maintenance training.

I went to MEC for a weekly training session.  It was on Derailleur adjustments.  The parts and their specific adjustments were demonstrated to us.  Then, we were able to work on a bike!  There were bikes on stands ready for us to adjust to the optimal position.

I really enjoyed the hands on experience and making adjustments to solve specific problems.  Lessons learned will come in handy for my next crash :)  I will be able get the chain moving smoothly again through all the gears.

Looking forward to this week's training session.  They will do brakes or drive train.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


I went to TREK Monday and Paul set me up on my bike.  We tweaked the seat height and position so that I am riding a little higher and slightly more forward.  We adjusted my handlebars as well.  Everything else feels good.  I have decided to wait on peddles until I get moving and feel comfortable with the adjustments.

I did pick up a nice little Bontrager Computer so I can log distance, speed and heart rate.  I have a heart rate monitor to keep me in my ideal burn zone.  I need to lose weight and challenge myself for hills and sprints.  Another addition was a waterproof I-phone holder.  It's now mounted to my bike.  I like the idea of using Strava or Map My Ride - just for fun!

Spoke O Motion was have a grand re-opening sale during the March Bike show with great deals!  I picked up a pair of Giro mountain bike shoes and new "CANDY" peddles in red :)   YUP  EAR TO EAR SMILE. Mountain biking is my first love.  I had to treat myself to something old shoes are falling apart. It won't be long and I will be back on the trails.

I will switch my old dual peddles from my mountain bike onto my road bike and lock on the old shoes just for my indoor training.  I haven't made up my mind what shoes to get for the road bike.  Paul's suggestion was to ride indoors for now and once it warms up log some outdoor miles, then come back for some shoes. He will check my fit again on the bike with new peddles and shoes to insure I won't have any knee pain etc.

I checked the Gran Fondo Niagara website training schedule again.  If I go with the 20 week program, my start date is April 27.  I need to get my legs moving now so that by April 27 I will be ready for a rigid training  schedule.  The plan is to mix it up so that I cover Yoga Mat, Core Exercises, Ball 2 days a week, 2 days on the Boflex gym, 2 days easy cycle and 1 day spin class. Depending on timing I may double up exercise or weights with an easy ride day so that I can have a day off.  I plan on doing an hour a day for the next two weeks, then increase my riding time to 2 hours a day.  Spin class is 1 hour long but it will give me the hill and sprint workouts I need.  All of this should get me through March!

I believe the first mountain bike race will be the end of April.  I can't wait to get back outside and ride again.

Tonight's task, change over the peddles and get comfortable on the bike!  I have 4 pairs of riding shorts and 6 jerseys.

PROGRESS - I think I am now ready to ride.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Gran Fondo Niagara - Double Dare Ya

OH MY, what have I done!

I've wanted to set a fitness goal for myself.  I was so inspired by so many great athletes who post to Facebook daily.  Where do I begin?  I had read about Niagara hosting a Gran Fondo event for several years but never thought that I could ever do it...never, ever!  BUT the post was made and the details were final.   Niagara will host its first Gran Fondo in 2013.  DONE!  That's what I will do.  That's my new goal.  I can do it and I WILL do it.

I marked my calendar for the official first registration day.  When the registration day in January arrived, I hopped on the website and pedaled my way through the registration document, made the payment and took a very deep breath!  DONE!

Goal set, registration complete.

I had a few business trips to take and upon my return I planned to sit down and make a detailed training schedule.  WOW, where do I start.  That's the first thing that came to mind.  I bought a Boflex gym.  I will need to work on muscle strength.  I also purchased a yoga mat and weighted ball.  I have booklets showing me how to use these items.  I will build muscle, develop core strength and stretch.  My bike, which is a year old, isn't much but I paid $400 for it on sale and it seems suitable.  A women's specific design.  I'm going to be logging many kms on that bike and I hope it's going to be comfortable.  IS IT?  I tried to set it up so it feels good.  Last year I went out for about 10 rides but nothing that compares to riding for 5 or 6 hours (I figure I will need at least that long to complete the ride)

SO last week I went to Trek in Aurora and had a nice chat with Paul.  He suggested that I bring in my bike and get fitted.  He asked that I bring my shoes as well.  First problem, no shoes.  Yes, my bike has flat peddles and I wear running shoes.  So tomorrow morning I will bring what I have to Trek and see where it takes me. Most importantly, when I leave the store I will have a comfortable ride for training and some new riding tips.

I was online posting to the Gran Fondo Niagara site asking for training help.  They have  posted a schedule which I have downloaded tonight.  I will be setting up my bike on a trainer in my basement to log the hours and mileage I need to succeed - once I have completed my bike fit session.

Looking forward to starting my training schedule once I pull all the pieces together.  I think I have bitten off more than I can chew this time!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm keeping is simple this year.  I'm just riding!!! I'm riding safe.  I picked up an inexpensive Jamis road bike.  I'm working on local road riding and doing some hills to build strength.  I'm not a fan of road riding for myself as I am terrified of gravel.  IT goes back to the days when I was young, hit some gravel at high speed and broke my shoulder/collar bone and filled my arms and legs up with tiny pieces of gravel.  I still remember the nurse at the hospital trying to pick out pieces with some kind of tweezers.  I still have those scars.  Anyway, I was out the other day, hit some gravel on a turn, freaked me out and those memories all came back to me...
I'm enjoying being in a forest!  No risky riding this year.   The goal is to stay clear of broken bones.  I'm having a safe and happy riding season.

Spoke-o-motion gives me the Wednesday night race series where I can just go out for a ride and enjoy myself.  I have to thank Steve Neal and Melinda of Wild Betty's for the ride clinic at Albion Hills.  Steve has me thinking on my toes.  "if you are not peddling you should be standing"    The bike adjustments have helped...

The doc has put me on Zenhale, a new lung drug for me - lets hope it helps with the Asthma and I can get my lung capacity up - I want to tackle the rides with more energy.

Thanks again everyone for your support.

Monday, October 17, 2011

It's amazing how sitting through a real live performance at Stratford Festival can make you feel so alive.  Camelot was colourful, entertaining and heartwarming.  The characters make a real connection with the audience.  Sitting in the front row also helps to keep all distractions away and you feel you are the only one in the room!  LOVED IT.  Well co-ordinated and the orchestra was perfect!

THe season is over

It's so hard to say that the warm weather activity season is over.  I am suffering from Mountain biking withdrawal.  How do I manage?  There is no equal to being outside with the wind in my face, mud on my legs, dirt in my chain and trees all around me.  Even a bike on a trainer will not compare.  I am already dreaming of spring time!

Monday, August 29, 2011


The days of sunlight are dwindling and the heat of summer nearly over.  I have so much work to do to get myself back in shape again.  I watched a great documentary called THE LAST HEART ATTACK last night.  Truly amazing how a change in diet can prevent you from ever getting blocked arteries.  Health is so important in our day to day lives.  We forget how much of an impact food has on us and what we eat today will make us what we are tomorrow.

Stay healthy, reduce all oils and fats, and live a long and healthy life

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Weather is so fantastic!  Pool is a nice 85 deg F, and the sun is shining!  I have been riding my bike, racing on Wednesdays and going to the gym.  Feeling better every day.  It's just a matter of time and I will be in fine form!  Just got to stay with the plan.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Downhill Spiral

Ever wonder where your life is going?  Road Map Please?  Wish it were that easy.  I'm still trying to figure it out.  When you get depressed and try to crawl out of that hole but someone or something keeps pounding you over the head and stuffing you back in!  You have to start all over again!!!  That's what I feel like my life has been like. 

I was digging out of the sick, pneumonia, asthma....toss back into the hole.
Climbing higher, seeing daylight, sign up for Race day rush competition, get accepted....ON TOP OF THE WORLD!  I'm out of the hole!  Going to get a chance to get healthy and happy again.

Merredith dies...big downer...two weeks later, on trail running I break my ankle...big downer.  Struggle to go on, keep the happy's all says no activities for me anymore.  Climb into the dark hole...patiently wait to spring from the hole when no one is looking.  Now doc, can I go do something now?  No you can't.  Wait 12 weeks.  Damage is done, you have to wait....sit in my dark hole, pain, swelling, pain, swelling....ok now doc?  Ok, but be careful and no running or jumping.  OK, out of the hole...back on my bike - happy, happy, happy

Pain and swelling....pain meds, anti-inflamitories, bandage, heat rub...try to race, try to race, don't give up - you can do it....keep on trying!  HALT!  Run to hospital emergency have multiple DVT's (blood clots) in your right leg...result of untreated, not casted, not properly cared for broken ankle.  I was under doctor care...I tried to get better, really.  DON'T GIVE UP SHARON....that's what I have been preaching, I have to practice it - right? I give myself daily Heparin injections to my abdomen, 10 pills of warfarin each day....can't go to work...can't play outside :(     Crawl back into the dark hole of depression, failure and "Labelled a Loser"

Well, something to be learned from all of this for trainers and participants alike....if someone gets hurt during training..."are you OK....and they respond OH YA"....that's not always true.  Shock, pain...adrenalin rush...make you think stupid!!! Like the "Oh, I will just get up and continue running to the finish.....or heck, let's go for a bike ride now"...I got on my bike...road about five minutes down the path and realized.>>>SHIT THAT HURTS<<<<   That's when the rush of being with the girls and not giving up no matter what....had passed.  The fight or flee in me suddenly crashed down.  So athletes and trainers alike - take care - if potential injury is there...look at it  carefully - that means examine the area both visually and by touching.  DON'T LET THE PERSON GET UP AND GO because they think they are fine.  Usually during the time of assessment, that adrenalin will stop pumping and the real pain will rear its ugly head.

I had done some pretty bad internal damage to tissue, bone and veins.  I should have gone to a hospital right away.  I thought I would be ok...must be just a sprain....gotta keep going, I am in the Race day Rush/Phat chicks challenge....don't give up, don't drop out, don't be a suck!  WHAT WAS I THINKING...put on a brave face....keep will get there   WRONG!!!  Someone needed to hit me over the head and knock some common sense into me.

So, I tried to get moving, back on my bike, ride my Wednesday night bike race.  It was really tough for me.  Ice the ankle for days after, take Advils for pain.  Work through it...was all I could think.  The doc say I'm good to go now, work through it.  Here I sit.  Unable to work through anything.  If one of the clots becomes loose, it will travel to my lungs, heart, brain and potentially kill me.

Did you know that in the USA 2 million people are diagnosed with DVT (blood clots of the worst kind) and did you know that each year 30% of those die from their blood clots!!!  It's risky business.  Did you know that it's the 3rd leading killer in the USA????   You can get them from a simple fall, after a fracture, surgery etc.  More common than you think...we are lucky in Canada to have a good health care system that if we suspect something is wrong with us, we can go investigate at the hospital and not have to worry if we can afford to see that doctor about that swollen leg.  I am sure the levels of death are reduced in Canada because we can get the care we need...BUT MY LESSON TO YOU - IS CAUTION FIRST!!! BE CAREFUL.  Something little like my fall in the forest when running could turn into a death sentence.  Err on the safe side.  Get help immediately....I didn't know that a break could lead to I do.  I am sharing this with you.  I hope to be off the drugs for next year, and get a clean bill of health, so I can try again to get out of my dark hole.  I have no idea where I am going...there are no road maps to life.  All I can do is keep taking the "high" road

For now, I will be under the care of doctors and nurses, and I will listen very carefully to what my body is telling me.  In the end, I will get through this...hopefully quickly, without any major issues along the way.  I'm a survivor.  Next out...I will be back on my bike again.

Happy Trails

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

End of the Race Season

Well, I have to tell ya, I only wished I had raced all season!  It's been so much fun...never thought I could do it.  The broken ankle in May was a set back and dealing with Asthma for the first time in my life was a challenge.  Don't let anyone say you can't do it!  Thanks to the SPOKE-O-MOTION guys in Newmarket for putting together a fun and challenging event for all ages.  I had a blast.  It's definitely something I will do again next year.  Old ASTHMATIC with broken bones and aching muscles....if I can do it you can too!

Don't think for a minute these races are easy!  Yes, as a novice I get to do less laps than experts etc, but I do ride the same course.  Each week I learn more control and take more personal challenges.  Another hill to climb, log to go over, bridge to cross and tree to avoid!  OK, I have hugged a few, and a few have battled back (got a few war wounds to show for it).

ANYONE can get off their butt and ride a bike....anyone!  You just have to try.  The girls from our Rockstar challenge learned that this year.  Some had experience, some did not but everyone was able to go for a trail ride.  There are flat paved trails, gravel trails and wonderful trails that go through forests or along side rivers.  So get out there!  Do a little today and before you know it, you will be looking for a little more of a challenge. 


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

DAY 1 is over and there are so many great days to come!

Well, all the excitement of the big race has passed.  Everyone who raced had a great time. Finally a chance to put all the skills learned in to action.  The results were posted and all three teams scored within 10 points of each other.  Pretty EVEN!!!  Job well done girls!  You are ROCKSTARS.  The "all girls" class scored 2nd and 3rd place - FANTASTIC FINISH.

Pictures are posted through Facebook and blogs. Love those happy faces.  Everyone did very well - what an adventure!!!!!!!!!!  Hopefully you are hooked for life on ADVENTURE RACING!

Szerenka was very kind to organize gifts for our trainers - collecting money and selecting gifts - we really appreciate all the skills we learned, the bonds made with women we never met before, and a real adventure into ROCKSTARDOM :)   Thanks to Neil, Shane, Susie and Mer!  (and all their helpers)

Oh, a special mention - thanks for the treats along the way Szerenka, organizing get togethers outside of our usual workout schedule, the video clips you made and cards of encouragement.  You are someone I will never forget - all the girls are wonderful people I will never forget. 

United we stand, divided we fall - Success was a team effort and you did it JULY 24th.  You showed everyone how first timers, working together, could score in the standings.  Great work my Rockstar Chicks!

I have saved my Phat Chicks workout documents and they are now in my living room or should I say, my PHAT CHICKS Core work out room!  I have my trainer and weights in the basement.  I am motivated to get healthy and stay healthy.  A new outlook on life. 

Gail, Keri, Bev, Tracy, Szerenka, Shannon, Joyce, Amy, and Mel - it was a real pleasure to have met you all and shared some time with you on this journey.

Tonight, I am back on my bike and going racing - and I might come in last place again, but I really am enjoying working out like never before!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thinking of you always (and everytime I work out)
Happy Trails.....until we meet again :)

Sharon :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Are you watching online feeds today!!!

SEE how the girls do - who will finish first!!!!

Happy trails...I will be catching every word!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Gail and Amy are on Shane's TEAM!

Hard to believe that an entry online has lead to this moment....two girls win!  Lot's of laughs along the way...lots of great memories - and new friends for life!  Six other girls will be racing on the same fun fun!  I can't run yet, so I will be there to cheer them on.  I was wanted to race that day.  The girls who will be racing got new shoes to speed them through the forest and on to the finish line.  Everyone got a Race Day Rush t-shirt.

I look forward to seeing everyone on the 24th - sunscreen and bug spray in hand! Bark Lake looks like an awesome place to explore!!!  Have fun ladies....see you then my ROCK STAR CHICKS... hugs and kisses to all and congrats Gail and Amy.

Happy Trails

Friday, July 9, 2010


It's almost here...a few more days till Christmas...oh, feels like it. The anticipation - winner of the Rockstar Challenge put on by Phat Chicks and Race Day Rush. I can't wait to hear who won!!!!!!

Each woman who entered had her reasons to try something new. From the basic "I want to get in shape", to the "I want a challenge in life" or "I am looking for something new." What they didn't expect to find was friendship. A group of women who came from all walks of life and all different locations, united together to compete for two spots on a team. The competition turned into a support network and one big team working together towards a single goal. Funny how that is. Put a group of women together, give them a challenge, and they all join together to achieve it.

There have been tears and laughs along the way. We have discovered our strengths and our weaknesses. We've been challenged and found success. It's been UNFORGETTABLE! We have stories to tell our families, videos to look back on and laugh, homework sheets to continue our journeys, and memories to last a lifetime.

You are AWESOME!

I appreciate being chosen for this challenge. (I wish I never broke my ankle at our Kelso training) I so wanted to run with you every week...I wanted to be there - healthy, happy, improved and ready to compete on JULY 24th. I have my homework sheets and a new look on life. I felt fantastic...and I will feel that way again. I have the OK to bike, walk, stretch and swim. Jumping and running...just another month away :)

I will take what I have learned and apply it to my daily life!!!!


Happy Trails                                                           

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Motivation to try something new

It's always hard to get started. When you hit bottom, you look at yourself and say, HOLY SHIT, then the climb back up begins. It's not easy and you have to stay motivated if you want to achieve that goal. Set backs, overcoming them and finding success!!! I read a quick article from LIVESTRONG. Here's what they have to say!

People often expect to make changes in their lives quickly. "I'll go to the gym five times a week," they say, or "It's no big deal to cut out sugar." And then reality hits, the fatigue sets in and the cookies start calling from the cupboards. Whether it's starting a new exercise program, learning communication skills or a career transition, understanding how change works can help you find and maintain your motivation.

Six Stages of Change
According to University of Rhode Island researchers James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente, there are six stages of change: pre-contemplation is the mindset before you even think about making a change; contemplation is the stage in which you start to think about making a change; preparation is the stage during which you start to get ready for a change; action is when you are in the midst of changing; maintenance is remaining consistent with your new behaviors; and relapse (which people tend not to realize is one of the stages of change) is falling back on former behaviors.

Planning for Change
To best set yourself up for lasting change, there are several things for which you can plan. Gathering resources and information about the change you want to incur can put you on the path to success. Asking yourself what in your life will need to look different and what are the specific steps you need to reach your goal will help as well. Getting really detailed and breaking your goal into the smallest objectives possible is a great way to ensure being less overwhelmed with the process.

Stage Shifting
Once you figure out where you are in the stages of change, think about what you might need to transition from one stage to the other. Maybe you've been exercising with regularity, but the flu set you back two weeks so your new habit has suffered a setback. How will you get yourself back to your regimen? Taking a step back and an objective assessment of where you are can help you refocus on what you need to budge. It doesn't have to be a big thing that gets you going, because solid change usually comes from a gradual process.

It is completely normal to lapse into former behaviors. If you notice that you've slipped, instead of beating yourself up, consider relapse as an opportunity to examine what helped you succeed and what were your blockades. Coming up with a new plan to address obstacles, whether they are old or new, may give you the adjustment you need to dive back into your new behavior.

Rarely do people make it through changes without support. Look at the people, institutions and environments in which you interact and ask yourself which are helpful and which may be detrimental to you. Setting your sights on positive influences and asking for help will assist you in your new behaviors. No doubt, if you have the bug, you can do it alone; but why struggle when there are likely many people just like you with whom you can share the efforts of the challenge and the celebrations of success?

PHAT CHICKS and RACEDAY RUSH have provided the plan, support and direction for the ROCKSTAR CHICKS to stay motivated and succeed as Adventure Racers...keep up the great work girls - July 24 is 3 weeks away!

Read more:

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Final Day of Reckoning

The time to take a personal tally of what has been gained (skills and friendship), what has been lost (weight?, keys) and what still needs to done (RACEDAY).

From an entry on line, to 12 weeks of training - who will be the most improved, the best, the all round adventure racer? I have my survey filled out (we all get a vote) and now it's time for the head honchos to weigh the numbers and make their picks.

Sunday will be another dry run of moving through run, bike and nav skills.

Should be exciting...wish I could participate...missing everyone and missing the challenges each training day brings. I will be back next week...

I remind everyone the words from our Saucony labels...

"A great day is when we inspire someone else to run"

Shane, Neil, Susie and Mer - you have inspired me to get back in the saddle and not only run but, ride, canoe, swim and just plain have fun again.

That's what this journey is about...GET OUT THERE!

Happy Trails

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Missing the fun but staying focussed!

Everyone has been enjoying the Sunday workouts. When my ankle heals, I will be back with the girls. Sunda was a great day with a simulated adventure race. A brief training with the SUUNTO compass and map and the girls were off....riding bikes and running to their check points!

I was glad to see the balls were not the ones with the mean faces and tongues sticking if they were laughing at us! The balls were hidden in the forest and the girls were challenged to follow the maps and find the balls. Looks like everyone made it back before dark!

Thanks to Szerenka for making a video...Thanks everyone for saying hello!
It was a great job Szerenka. I really miss everyone.

VISIT the website to see what the girls are doing now!

I'm still eating clean, although I must confess, I had a chocolate breakdown!!! (sorry Keri...) But it's lonely without the girls. Support is a major factor in our success as a team!

It's a great time of the year to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. I've upped my intake. I'm boosting the body with vitamins, extra calcium to heal the bones and extra Vitamin D to help the body absorb the calcium. I do the homework exercises that don't require weight on the ankle or any extra force. Thanks to the girls, I'M KEEPING A POSITIVE ATTITUDE THAT I WILL BE BACK AND ABLE TO PARTICIPATE soon. I can honestly say that last year, I would never have looked at this set back in a positive light, seeing the future and a chance to recover. I know I can regain my strength again. Thanks to Susie and Mer for putting me back on track. I will never forget what you have done for me.
Happy trails everyone

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

S E T B A C K S - Story of my life

I think "OLD" is consuming me!

Try, try the saying goes. Lord knows I keep trying but failing.
May 16th...Kelso run, rolled over a root, fell to the ground. PAIN in the ankle. Tried to run back to the finish. Man that hurt...and hurt... and hurt! Today, I gave in and got an X it just keeps hurting in the bone on the inside of my right ankle. YES sir...broke off a small piece of bone... doc says not much we can do now. Waited too long. Just have to heal.

So ladies, that means I'm out of the running for the that pun...running cuz I can't do that!!! But I am not giving up on the training - just in case. July is a long way off - ok - a month. We all know running is definitely my weakness. It's been that way for some time because I have had several broken ankles, torn ligaments and cartilage plus 2 knee surgeries. Everytime I recover from one, another one happens. Put that with my newly found Asthma I developed last year and I guess I am sidelined again!!!!

R A T S ...putting it politely. Amy, do you have some better words for it? Hee Hee.

I have continued to mountain bike on Wednesday's. When it is too challenging and I have people passing me, I stop and let them by. Been taking it easy. I think I will continue to ride. Doc says NO MAJOR BUMPS!!! I do swim in my pool, do homework core stuff and ride some more :)

That should keep me going, but I don't think Neil and Shane will want a lame horse for the July race...So it's up to you girls to show them who has the talent, guts, drive and GOOD TEAM SPIRIT!!! Being fit isn't everything if you want to be a ROCKSTAR GIRL. There's the fun side with the great sense of humour and the MAP side, using your new SUUNTO compass. So keep up the good work!!! I can't wait to see who wins :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Water, water, everywhere!

No other words can describe today. It was a lot of fun. Sunny, hot, and everyone had their smiles on. We practiced our strokes, quick turns and building up speed with control. After some practice, Neil, Shane and Amanda put us to a down a hill, transition into our water gear and paddle out to some balls in the water. After scooping one up, paddle back to shore. Simple enough! HA! Bev, my amazing partner for our canoe race, jumped in the boat and we got ourselves moving in the right direction. We got a ball and began the race back to the shoreline...but...we don't know how it happened...tip...and we were in for a swim! We stuck it out and dragged the canoe with us, all the way back to the shoreline - exhausting yet refreshing :) Thanks Bev for sticking with it! Ya never know what's going to happen when the girls get together.

Round two. We set up in a star pattern, bows together. We headed off to steal balloons taped onto the rear of our boats. It was a great test into maneuvering our canoes and quickly chasing down an opportunity...this time it was Keri and Szerenka into the water! (along with Szerenka's shoes and Keri's back pack - which was full of car keys) Needless to say, those keys went down with the ship, along with a shoe. Back to the shoreline and a moment to regroup...back out for a swim to see if we could locate the missing items...sad to say, they are in the murky water, never to be seen again.

All in all, a fabulous day - lots of laughs - and of course, another great story we won't soon forget :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The big day for everyone came on Thursday night as we all gathered in Oakville to do a little bike riding. Shane and Neil brought in the biking support (thanks for being there) so everyone had that extra level of comfort. We headed out on the gravel pathways until we got to a wooded area to pratice a little down/up hill ride on single track. Everyone was going along fine until Keri did an acrobatic move like I have never seen before and landed on her backpack. In a flash she popped up and told us she was fine. GO KERI! Then off to the steep downhill. A sign posted at the top of the hill says "cyclists dismount." It's a paved pathway with gates to get though. A light dusting of gravel covered the path. It brought back memories of a road ride I had when I was much younger. I was speeding at max speed on a down hill, made a tight left turn, hit some gravel, slid, hit a curb, ENDO and SPLAT...not sure what happened next but I had gravel head to toe in my skin, broken shoulder, collar bone, ligament damage...I woke up for a bit to say my name...then again in the hospital. Still don't know how I survived but I won't road ride anymore. That was my fear when I saw that hill - what if one of the girls gets hurt? I have my cell ready in case...Everyone was fine - a bunch of pro riders if you ask me!

As a group we rode some trails. Then Shane sent us off to race a lap. The same trail we had just completed. I didn't pay attention - just played the follower - when I had to ride, I made a left turn - oh oh, had to turn around and head back...sorry girls, lost the lead. I learned a valuable lesson - PAY ATTENTION! Always be aware of your surroundings. I took it for granted, someone else would lead the way. NOT!

We rode along the river (check out the website to see the action!) After a refreshing dip in the river (yes, with my cell) we headed back to the steep climb we previously road down. I stayed on my bike in my granny gear...almost to the top. Couldn't breathe any deeper...hopped off and walked the last bit. Shannon made the climb all the way to the top...NICE WORK SHANNON!

A very enjoyable ride back to our cars and then we were all rewarded with SUUNTO heart rate monitors. COOL SWAG..thanks Neil and Shane.

BTW - Shane said to put my backberry in a paper bag with morning...all was good!

Can't wait to do it again :) HAPPY TRAILS!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Wednesday Night Change UP

SOOOOOOooooooooooooo, I really think the adventure racing is going to be fun! Competition but all with a big heaping load of good times. Looking ahead and wanting to try it out I went out to Coulson Hill and did a Wednesday night bike race!!!!!! TA-DA! Oh ya, last place baby, but it was a lot of fun. I did the pre-ride of the course. Seemed straight forward enough...yup...hills I can't climb but what the heck. Hop off the bike and run er up there to the top. Chain came off twice, and two silly falls (lack of experience got me huggin a tree and rolling in the dirt) but I did the two lap minimum race requirement (plus the warm up lap). I now know I need to do a lot more endurance training and get my confidence up on the trails. Thanks to the guys at Spoke O Motion in Newmarket and especially Myles who encouraged me to give it a try as it is just a fun event open to everyone who wants to have fun! I'm hooked :)
Happy Trails


WELL, my ankle isn't improving since my tumble. TUMBLE - FROM THE DICTIONARY : to fall suddenly and helplessly YEP, that's what I did alright. I keep icing it but it swells up again and hurts like a sun of a gun. So, I can't run yet. The only other option to running sprints is to cycle sprints. Last night I got on the bike, and did a warm up and then 30 - 60 second mad dashes on the hardest gear. After 45 minutes and sneaking in a few simple trails I headed home. I felt like I did something rather than just the strength workout. I need to increase the distance every day and build up my lungs. If you can't do the exercise the way you are supposed to do it, there is always another option. You just have to get creative. I'm modifying the workout to my current needs, but not giving up! Looking forward to riding with everyone tomorrow night!!!!
Happy trails!

Monday, May 17, 2010

S T R E T C H it out!

OK, 24 hrs have passed by since that great KELSO run and ride. Oh my aching legs. Going up stairs - pain level 6, Going down stairs - pain level 8! Why does it hurt more going down the stairs when running up the hills just about killed me!!!! If it hurts this much today, tomorrow will be frightening. I know, no pain, no gain.

I feel like I am letting the team and myself down by not being able to do the running portion of the homework task, but I honestly can say, I hurt too much. ADVIL just isn't enough. But I will do all my strength and core exercises. I have been stretching it out all day. Keeping the blood flowing to the muscles and assisting in the body's recovery. Lots of fluids and healthy eating.

Special thanks to the sponsors of our fantastic ROCKSTAR challenge girls for the cool swag. Hat, shirt, bag and the orienteering compass to make sure I don't get lost on my way to the finish line! HAPPY TRAILS and Cheers...till we meet again :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010


FANTASTIC DAY...beautiful weather! It felt so good to see the TEAM all together again. THANK YOU SUSIE for keeping us going all day. Your encouragement inspired me to run a little further.

Kelso is a beautiful park in the Niagara Escarpment with biking and running trails. In the winter it's a ski hill! Although we didn't run down to the bottom - thank goodness - we did experience some of the wide open areas and the single track through the woods.

Some areas were a little rocky and others more soil and roots but we ran it all (well almost ran it all...yup...I walked at times - out of breath). When I slowed down, Susie was there encouraging me to lift those legs, keep the body upright, shoulders back and RUN!!! Thanks Susie. I did a little wipe out - right in front of Beverly Ann...DID I LOOK GOOFY? It seemed like slow motion when I went over on my ankle and fell to the ground. OUCHIE...but I got up and tried to keep going. Before I knew it we were back to where we started from, the top of the hill in the parking lot. YIPEEEEEEE!

The stretching felt good. I FELT amazing - but I know I really need to keep working on expanding my lung capacity and my distance.

I wasn't about to miss an opportunity to ride at I pulled out my bike and brain bucket. Running the trails gave me a whole new perspective on space around me and the distance we travelled when running. I went back and rode it on my bike...I took a couple of turns into some rocking areas...FEAR! do I get through here. I haven't been on any tough trails in quite some time. I need to build my confidence up. Riding is nice because I can just switch gears when the going gets tough - running is a full body effort.

I can't say enough for the support I got today from the team!!! High fives and go "stretch" kept me moving. Thanks again girls - and maybe one day I will catch up to you :)

Looking forward to Thursday

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I wish I was there last Sunday. Wandering the forest, looking for snakes with the girls (and guys), learning the skills so I won't get lost!!!! Hopefully, we will get another opportunity. I've been behind on the training as I have been spending most of the time at the hospital and helping my mom get to see my dad. We hope to have him home on the weekend. I have lost a lot of time at work and spend my evenings catching up....I feel soooooooooooooooo guilty! That's a good thing. I'm letting myself and my team down. Guilt is a good thing as it means I am motivated. I used to just say "OH WELL" and let it go. Lack of motivation. NO MORE, I AM A ROCKSTAR CHALLENGE GIRL!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

SUNDAY - Happy Mom's Day

Wishing everyone a great MOM's day. See you soon!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The final goodbye

Today is Meredith's tribute day. It's the day when those who were touched by such a special person say their final goodbye's and share those special moments that they will treasure in their hearts forever.

She was an AMAZING woman. That seems to be the theme in everyone's story. Accomplished so much in such a short time and lead her friends and family to the finish line. Meredith, you won the race! Take the highest position on the podium!!! We will all look up to you as being the best there is and what we all need to work hard to become.

Today, let's remember also the poor lad who was driving the car last Thursday. From what I understand, it was just a terrible accident and not his fault. At 22, he will endure a life of pain and suffering over this incident. It has changed his life in the most awful way. Let's pray that he can learn of Meredith's amazing life and all the good she did and somehow find strength to go on and be amazing as well.

Take care everyone...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I still am in shock

I still can't believe Meredith is gone. It feels like she will be there next time we get together, encouraging us to try one more. Telling me I did a good job. Demonstrating the next moves for our homework. She will always be with us, everytime we get spirit. I know I will hear her in my head. Meredith will be the little angel riding on my shoulder whispering in my ear. I didn't know her very long but she made me feel so comfortable around her, I felt like I knew her a lifetime. She was just an open and welcoming person. From reading her blogs, I could see how much she loved life, loved her family, loved giving and loved working with Susie. Everyday she gave her all, did her best - no regrets. What a woman!
Her girls will remember her as a great mom, a great woman and a wonderful role model. This is truly as big loss to her community and all those she touched and inspired. Time heals all wounds. Susie, I am so, so sorry for your loss. I know you heard that so many times in the last 24 hours but I just don't know how to put in words anything that could possibly comfort you during this very difficult time. Take care.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Heavy hearts for all

Meredith and Susie, as a team you got me started. I thank you for that.
Susie, the Rockstar challenge girls will be there, ready and waiting, when you are ready to return. WE WILL PICK YOU UP WHEN YOU ARE DOWN! Take care.

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever."
- Lance Armstrong

Tough Day

I have been reading the emails flying by. Say it isn't so. Good people should not die doing the things they love. I have lost a cycling friend before when a truck made an illegal turn at Cawthra and Lakeshore. He died from his injuries. It's very sad to hear these accidents happening to young people cycling. "Only the good die young" We've lost another good one :(

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I was doing my howework excersizes last husband walked by - he said OMG, how can you do that? Just looking at you I am getting a body cramp! Anyway, he doesn't do sports...he's a musician. I guess opposites do attract! :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Ankle, calves, arms - oh's all killing me. I can only try a few parts of the homework. Will try again in the morning. BLAH!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The day after

OH Baby, as the day goes on I am stiffening up. I sat down to get on my laptop and blog...realized I did't have my glasses...OUCHIE...I can't get up! HA HA HA I hope everyone is recovering well. I am so lookin forward to being on a bike next weekend. See you then :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kerncliffe Park

What a beautiful location for a workout. Mother nature co-operated by turning off the shower so we could get in our workout. The skipping warm up took the chill away. Then the circuit of squats, leg lifts, pushups followed by the boardwalk run and bench step ups with a side order of tricep dips. Could you ask for anything more? No, but we got the planks and medicine balls as a bonus. My arms were shaking at the end of it all. My legs felt like spaghetti. It was great to have the whole team together supporting each other every step of the way. THANK YOU everyone for asking me how I was doing and pushing me on. It was a much better week than last week. I took my Advil and I am heading to bed. I'm afraid for the morning wakeup alarm. That first step out of bed is going to hurt!!! Thanks KJ for the hug. I DID IT! and so proud of it.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

We keep on going!

Today was a day of gardening, walking and stretching out the body. I know what we are in for tomorrow! It's been a challenging week for everyone. I really appreciate all of you taking the time out of your busy schedules to send me your comments of support. We are all working hard and sharing our stories of pain. REALLY FEELS GOOD knowing I'm not alone. Thanks again! Very much appreciate it!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Still Aching After All These Days....

Still sore...everyday, hips and abs...oh boy! A day off and a day on of homework. Going to have to buy more Advil.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Oh Boy, homework...tummy muscles are shot. I have lost my core strength. It's going to be a long haul back. YIKES!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gorgeous Evening

I am going out for a ride's so beautiful.
You should get on your bike and take a ride around the neighbourhood :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I'm watching the workout from reminds me of the pain all over again :)

You can scoop the link above or click "SATURDAY's WORKOUT" on the right!
Today is a bad Asthma day for me...usually the fallout of being active. Made it a work from home day. The congestion and swelling gets worse before it gets better. Going to do the rest of he homework moves I didn't finish last night. Need to stretch it out. I will get out tomorrow for a bike ride. Shane says a steady 30 minute ride is what we need to get ourselves ready for Albion Hills. That's my plan for Wednesday and Friday. Thursday will be another homework night. We are lucky the weather has been co-operating with us this week.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thank the Lord for Advil

Well, my office is on the second floor. No elevators. Just steep stairs. Washroom, kitchen, water are all on the main floor. STAIRS. Need I say more. Yes, a little slow walking up and down the stairs all day, but I did take an Advil! Just got home from the office. Watching what I'm eating. Put my feet up for a few minutes before I begin my HOMEWORK! I am reviewing the document - warm up and 20 minutes of work out. I'm afraid if I get down, I won't get back up again. It seems short and sweet. Squats, pushups, butt kicks, lunges, dips, planks and crunches, OH MY! And that's just a start. But - I will do it...every last bit of it. I want an "A" on my homework assignment.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Recovery Day

Well, today was fantastic. I did the usual housework, then hit the garden to plant and weed! That got the muscles stretched out a bit. After a wee break and some lunch, I pulled out the bike and went for a ride around town. Nothing special, just to stretch out the legs a bit more. Fluids. I remember yesterday...drink lots of water. When I got back from my ride...time for water!!! I opened the kitchen cabinet and reached for a glass..OUCH..darn muscles. I broke out laughing. The journey continues...what will hurt more tomorrow? My knees, hips, ribs, arms...We will see when I get out of bed in the morning :)
It's a happy pain. A reminder. I need to do my homework! THE WORK OUT!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Very tough day! :(

Very excited on my way to Burlington. Then we began our warm ups and physical testing. Very tough time breathing. Used my puffer more than I ever had to before. I finished all the tasks of the morning. Not very proud of myself. Cried all the way home - and it's a long drive. Maybe people were right. Perhaps I am too old to have fun. The hardest part was not that I was last, it was the realization that I am so out of shape. How could I have let this happen? Injuries, illness, disease - have they finally defeated me? It seems that some other power keeps dishing it out to me and I keep taking it. I always have to come back...from the bottom. As the years go by, the journey from bottom to top gets harder and harder. Can I do it? I'm having my doubts, but I also know that I won't let things defeat me. Depression....oh you can feel it creeping up your skin, along your spine and to your head. That feeling of no hope. I need support...thank Susie and Meredith for being there today, keeping me going. It's a rough ride, like going paddling upstream against a strong current. Lots of hard work, confidence building and personal successes will get me there. It's day 1. The hardest day of them all. The first day to a new life. (now it's time for recovery)

Friday, April 16, 2010


TASK AT to join the girls and be a "follower" of their blogs...well, after a bit of playing around with it, I managed to get it! I am a follower of everyone's blog. I selected private when it asked me public or private...don't really know the difference so I picked private??? Just went and switched them all to public...dah!
I will figure this stuff out soon enough. The fact I was able to write a blog in the first place was a miracle! I went with GREEN for my theme as in - I love green grass, green leaves, I even like green algae in the all means I'm outside!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Wind through my hair, sun on my back, pollen in my face....ah, spring!
Felt great to get out on my bike for a ride around town. I am soooooooooo out of shape! HELP!

DAY 1 continues

OK, new chain on bike, all tuned up. Looks like tomorrow will be a great day to test out the bike. I feel terribly guilty...been working 18 hours a day this week...I'm ready for a break. See everyone on Saturday morning.
Mother nature can hold the rain till we are done!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I took my bike in to get it's Spring TUNE UP! Poor baby...I need a new should see the rust on the other own fault...going stainless steel!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

DAY 1 has come!

It was great to meet the other wonderful women who confirmed today their willingness to venture where they have never gone before. My first fear kicked in today - keeping up with so many younger women. I PROMISE to do my very best. Many of them are already runners or very fit. Susie, Meredith, Shane and Neil reminded us that it's not just about speed when you are in an adventure race. I am in it for the fun, fitness and friendship! This journey will be an opportunity of a life time for me! I keep saying I'm going to get active again, but, yes, the big but....I'm afraid to do it on my own. I look forward to the support network that will be in place. As a team, we will all make it through to the end. NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND :) Thanks to Saucony and Rockstar Adventure Race. Your words of advice and support were very encouraging! Today is Day 1.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

DAY 1 is coming!

OH YA!!!! Meet and greet. Looking forward to meeting everyone else who has taken the challenge to improve their life. I lost a year last year getting sick, pneumonia and now I have ASTHMA...side effect of not getting treated early enough. B U T .... I'm FEELING GOOD! and I knew that I would. So I have to get back to living again. I hear muscles have a good memory bank. You can call them back to life again. So I expect, being the old girl on the block, I will be a little slower getting going but I will be talking to my muscles everyday, reminding them how happy they used to be - so follow my journey back to a world of feeling good and having fun!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU everyone - SUNDAY...not so far away. I did get the bike out of the garage...gave it a wash down. Chain looks a little sad but it felt good to be outside on my bike. AH...feels soooooooooooo goooooood :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In the beginning there was light!

Oh where oh where has my little bikey gone...gotta dig it out of the garage and tune it up...warm weather is coming. No tricks. March gives us that fooler. Now it's for real! Everyday is DAY 1. It's the first day of the rest of my life.